I had the good fortune of sitting at a relatively small roundtable discussion with Beavis & Butthead creator Mike Judge on Thursday at Comic-Con. Fourteen years after the series has ended, Judge has decided to revamp it with twenty-four original episodes, still airing on its original network MTV. Though the original audience in the mid ’90’s may not have MTV’s current queue set for DVR, Judge feels confident that if people want to watch something, they don’t care what channel it’s on. Furthermore, now the eternal-teenagers are using MTV’s new programming as fodder for, er…discussion. Though Judge says he’s gotten into a few spats about harping on Sixteen and Pregnant too much, he isn’t too fazed, delightfully vowing to “put it up online” if producers have a real issue with it. In addition, we also asked him about directing again. Hit the jump for more.
Question: Were you nervous about the panel at all? Because obviously everyone loves these characters that we know. But do you ever worry about it translating, since it’s been a while?
JUDGE: Oh yeah. I mean I was feeling pretty good about this stuff. Everything I’ve done you get a little bit of that…first pancake principle. The first one is like “Oh, man…” But once we hit our stride on this I was feeling pretty good. I almost don’t want to say that because I feel like I’m going to jinx it, because usually I feel pretty crappy about everything. But, yeah I was feeling pretty good ...