With the fourth installment of the Twilight Saga premiering November 18th, even the ensemble stars are quickly becoming household names. Along with veteran cast members Elizabeth Reaser (Esme Cullen), Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) and Nikki Reed (Rosalie Hale), newcomers Julia Jones and BooBoo Stewart, who play the Clearwater siblings, rounded out the first panel of talent at Summit’s press room. Earlier in the morning, the group surprised unsuspecting—or, perhaps wistfully suspecting—fans by greeting them at breakfast. The cast appeared genuinely thankful for the Twi-hards’ enduring enthusiasm, and spoke excitedly about the next installment.
Below are some highlights from the press conference. Find the full transcript after the jump.
What the call that you’ve been cast is like:
Elizabeth Reaser was intrigued by the chance to play character multiple times through a series
BooBoo Stewart describes the weight of being cast in something already established
The weirdest fan encounters they’ve had:
Requests for make-outs
An outrageous “post-Brazil” Bella costume
New cast members they were excited to work with
Nikki Reed cites Lee Pace and Omar Metwally as standouts
Reaser mentions the excitement of the vampires becoming more international
If you'd like to listen to the audio, click here.
Q: Is this all of your first time at Comic-Con?
REASER: No I came two years ago. I’ve never really done it for real. We were out on the street doing this thing with fans. And that was amazing. It felt like, “OK, we’re at Comic-Con now.”
GREENE: This definitely started off a lot more interesting.
REED: I’ve been here before but it’s sort of blurry, I ...